MVP Private Capital Videography

Visual storytelling for private equity & M&A firms and PE PortCos

Share Your PE & M&A Firm Success Through Our Onsite and Remote Video Services

For over 22 years, MVP has been the go-to creative partner for award-winning private equity and investment banking branding and website design. We harmoniously blend our Private Capital videography and portrait photography capabilities with our robust experience to craft visually compelling narratives that resonate with your audience. Our tailored services include on-location and remote videography, office and team photography, and eye-catching homepage video headers specifically designed to meet the unique needs of our private capital clientele.

Our Private Capital visual creations emphasize professionalism, clarity, and trust—essential elements for capturing the attention of investors, intermediaries, and stakeholders. Our impressive referral network features top-tier private equity firms such as Wind Point Partners, Havencrest, Shoreview, Cortec Group, Mason Wells, and Svoboda Capital, as well as Investment Banking firms like Republic Capital, GulfStar Group, Woodward Park, Clearsight Advisors, Brentwood Capital and RL Hulett.

Let MVP help you develop a picture-perfect strategy to impress your counterparties. Take a look at how we’ve framed past clients in the best light.

Client Take

“Exactly what we wanted, I knew this project was going to be very demanding and time consuming, but the result is stellar.”

Ron Liberman, Head of Investor Relations, Wind Point Partners, Chicago

On-location PE, Portfolio Company & M&A Videography & Photography

Make Your Workplace a Showcase

Our on-location Private Capital videos, particularly those which combine your team, office and location with PortCo CEO interviews, are considered some of our Most Valuable Productions. By filming real people in their natural environments (both inside and outside the office), we capture genuine emotions and interactions that communicate your firm’s backstory authentically.

Client Success: Shoreline Equity Partners

We collaborated with Shoreline Equity Partners to create a testimonial video featuring their focus on helping founder-owned businesses accelerate growth while protecting the legacy and employees of the company communicated through the words of their PortCo CEOs. We also provided on-site photography to reflect their lively interactive work environment, helping them connect with potential partners, investors, and new hires.

Remote CEO PortCoTestimonial Videos

Increased Flexibility… Lower Cost

MVP’s Remote Testimonial Videos offer a convenient and cost-effective solution for conveying compelling interviews with PortCo CEOs and deal team leaders across the continent. Our remote video process combines a proprietary kit of audiovisual equipment, including camera, lighting and mic, with personalized guidance to create high-quality testimonials that communicate your firm’s investment strategies and accomplishments effectively. Through this guided self-recording process, MVP conducts the video via Zoom and, upon return of the kit and download of the SD card, provides all post-production graphics and animations. This method helps clients realize savings in cost and timing without sacrificing quality.

Client Success: Svoboda Capital Partners

In the midst of the pandemic, Svoboda Capital Partners approached MVP  to conduct remote CEO video interviews and testimonials that reflected their investment philosophy and team dynamics. Due to geographical constraints, schedules and health concerns, on-location CEO videography was not possible. However, by leveraging our remote video approach, we repurposed their previously produced onsite MVP B-roll footage with remote CEO success stories to showcase their firm and teams with high-quality footage while minimizing time and expense.

Background Header Videos for Private Equity Firms & Investment Banks

Bring Your Website to Life

Background header videos can elevate your private equity or M&A firm’s website by enticing users with imagery that complements your website’s branding and design. These videos create a dynamic visual experience, telegraphing your firm’s unique identity through an artful combination of flyover, corporate headquarters and portfolio company footage.

Client Success: Clearsight Advisors

In combination with our MVP website redesign, investment bank Clearsight Advisors engaged us to develop a homepage background video that demonstrated their expertise in M&A and capital raising. We offered onsite services featuring their professional environment with custom video and portrait photography. A daring backflip sparks engagement in Clearsight Advisors’ memorable video header and completes an immersive online experience that hits home with their target audience of company owners, management teams and PE firms.

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Private Equity Portfolio Company Success Videos

Spotlight Your CEOs and Their Achievements

Spotlighting the success of private equity firms’ portfolio companies (PortCos) is essential to communicating how the firm’s team and capabilities can replicate those achievements for other prospective acquisitions and add-ons. Our experience in producing testimonial videos for private equity firms and their portfolio companies, which includes CEO presentations, sector related B-roll, portfolio company footage as well as performance graphics, reflects the value creation plans that were essential to achieving target EVs. These videos not only validate your firm’s credibility and expertise but give shout-outs to PortCo CEOs as they relate what they accomplished and how you helped them achieve it.

Client Success: Mason Wells

Mason Wells entrusted MVP with producing 12 portfolio company success story videos spotlighting CEOs who spoke to their respective value creation plans that generated great outcomes for the firm and its portfolio companies’ management teams and employees. The MVP video team traveled to Milwaukee, WI, to interview and record individual CEOs as they discussed why and how partnering with Mason Wells produced outsized results. MVP added illustrative stats, graphics and both portco and stock video in post-production to better engage viewers.

Let’s Ratchet Up Your Private Equity Firm’s and PortCo’s Online Presence

Contact us today and discover how MVP can become your Most Valuable Partner for brand-to-web digital marketing success.

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