Website Design & Development

Gemini Investors

Boston-Based Gemini Investors Doubles Down on New MVP Private Equity Website


Gemini Investors, Boston, a private equity firm that has invested over $700M in 170 different companies throughout the United States since the firm’s founding in 1993, sought to refresh their prior and dated site with a new one reflecting their partnerships with smaller middle market businesses. With a significant investment history in such sectors as Business Services, Consumer Products and Services, Healthcare, Later Stage Technology, Manufacturing & Distribution, and Waste & Recycling, the new site needed to showcase their capability to offer equity and debt capital in the form of either minority ownership or a control transaction; and likewise appeal to diverse stakeholders including business owners, intermediaries and investors.


To achieve a creative and cost-effective private equity website on an expedited timeframe, Gemini tapped MVP based on its ability to leverage code from its many award-winning custom-tailored private capital websites through its innovative, creative and cost-effective MVP TeamPlate℠ WordPress website solution now embraced by 15 other private capital firms across North America.

The MVP TeamPlate℠ platform replicates the distinctive “look and feel” of custom-tailored websites costing much more while embracing each client’s unique form and functionality requirements within an established yet flexible design-to-development framework. The solution provides effortless end-user content management and fulfills the following requirements:

  1. User Experience (UX) & User Interface (UI): Retaining valuable content from Gemini’s prior site, MVP incorporated such features as investment filtering by state and industry, along with a dedicated news page to keep stakeholders current on the firm’s activities
  2. Visual Identity: The design encapsulates Gemini’s brand and culture through an engaging home page video highlighting the firm’s Boston roots while projecting dynamic data points including longevity, amount of invested funds and number of platforms realized; Photoshop-modified stock photos contribute to the website’s bespoke appearance
  3. SEO: While an ongoing SEO program was not within the scope, implementation of search engine optimization practices and 301 redirects ensure that any stakeholder links to the client’s former website are retained and continue to enhance the new one’s “link juice”
  4. Hosting: Joining the ranks of over 50 other private equity and M&A firms under its ken, MVP provided Gemini with dedicated server website hosting through its longtime partnership with Digital Ocean, which ensure seamless performance, uptime and security

The distinctive yet cost effective website not only positioned Gemini favorably amongst its competitors but double downed on form and functionality creating an inviting platform for business owners/entrepreneurs, intermediaries, investors and talent to seamlessly explore collaboration opportunities with this well-recognized Massachusetts-based investor.

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