BLOG | Bragging Rights

Weed Out Hate Recognized

Minneapolis, September 9, 2011 – MVP Marketing + Design is pleased to announce that in response to a social action initiative that enables young people to learn about prejudice and social responsibility, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel proclaimed August 28, 2011 “Weed Out Hate Day” in Chicago. A client of MVP, the Weed Out Hate initiative is dedicated to teaching children how to remove hate and promote peace.

“Weed Out Hate Day” in Chicago supports the vision of Martin Luther King Jr., who is the inspiration for the WOH initiative. Dr. King dreamed of a world free of hate and prejudice for one and all. On August 28, 2011, children were given packets of sunflower “Peace Seeds” that symbolize the standard of how to treat one another, and were encouraged to pull the “weeds of hate” that need to be removed from our communities before Dr. King’s dream can be realized.

MVP is proud to have contributed the creative work for the Weed Out Hate initiative. The brand identity and logo, the organization’s website, and the package design for the Peace Seeds used on “Weed Out Hate Day” were all developed by MVP Marketing + Design’s creative and account teams. Featuring bright colors and bold graphics, these tools speak to our youth and encourage them to take steps to sow peace and remove hate from their communities.

About MVP Marketing + Design, Inc.

MVP Marketing + Design, founded in 1985, is an integrated marketing communications and digital branding agency. The firm is dedicated to building invaluable brands through valued relationships. MVP’s vertical marketing expertise includes Medical Device, High Tech, Private Equity, Office Supply and the Non-Profit sector. Dedicated to serving organizations seeking innovative and creative marketing and communications, MVP builds, revitalizes and promotes brands through such integrated services as Marketing Consulting, Advertising/Design, and Web/SEO solutions. Clients served include 3M, Medtronic, Minnetronix, TSI, Nortech Systems, Worthington Aviation, Stone Arch Capital, Yukon Partners, Huron Capital, GMB Mezzanine, the Minnesota Minority Supplier Diversity Council, and the Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation (Minneapolis), among others.

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